Thursday 14 February 2013

Please stop burning that money in pocket, it hurts.

Oh hai, there online shopping world. Didn't notice you there...


There's nothing quite like running into the Australia Post delivery man and  having him squeal SO MANY PARCELS, CRAZY LADY AT NUMBER 52 to make you realise that a check in to the rehabilatory Tom Ford Clinic might be imminent. I like to pretend that he knows me only because it's a small street (it's not) and/or some of the parcels are for my boyfriend or flatmate or dogs (they're not).

Nonetheless, I am buying Very Important Things which fulfil my ongoing resolution to buy quality over quantity. So, in the interests of assuaging my guilt and sharing with you the products of my downsizing wallet but bulging wardrobe, here are some of my online picks:

Nordic Fusion clogs, which just make your little heart and feet and toes sing with all their cuteness and shininess. I chose patent fuschia for me and red patent for my mum as a gift (a mother daughter shoe team, the foot equivalent of Motherboy from Arrested Development). Here is a picture of them on my feet, and as you can tell, both the feet and the shoes are having a Nice Time. You can't tell from the angle, but the shoes are acutally smiling up at me, saying 'thank you for buying us'. Well, that's I what like to think, anyways. You're welcome, shoes. So welcome.

Incidentally, you can also buy these puppies at Urban Jungle in Prahran, which might actually be the sweetest store on Greville Street (running in hot competition with The Lunar Store).

Now, where was I? Yes, make up. Now, some (everyone) might say that I already have ample make up stocks however I am going on a three and a half month holiday and am supposed to be 'packing light' (the apostrophes reflect that I don't really understand what this term means. If you imagine your grandmother saying 'LOL' and you'll know what I mean). Since the new NARS palette - aptly titled 'The Happening' includes bronzer, blush and eye shadow fun, I thought it fit the bill. I got mine from Kiss and Make Up because I am too lazy to go to the shops (but just energetic enough to take deliveries of packages at my front door step), but you can also get it in store at the lovely Mecca Cosmetica

I've developed a mild but very healthy obsession with Pop Basic which offers collections (I'm still waiting for my beta collection, ahhh) of basics and little treats (the first was a polka dot blouse and two necklaces - I'll put photos up soon). I think - am speculating based on things I've seen on Stalkbook - that the next 'basic' will be a breton top in which case I might just lose my mind and need to have a wee nap whilst the party rages around me.

So that's me. If anyone has any tips on this 'packing light' business, please send them my way. My imaginary suitcase is a unhappy mess of three blazers, 9 'basic' tee shirts, 4 perfume bottles and a small parliament of owls, so I really do need some assistance.