Saturday 24 November 2018

The Little Voice Inside My Head

I’m sure I’m not pronouncing anything revelatory to the world here (and especially not to most working mothers), but hot damn, I beat myself up a lot and god, it’s just shit isn’t it?

This is the Little Voice inside my brain which, on a day to day basis, berates me about my life and my perceived failing(s) - my patchy gym attendance, my not-so-patchy wine and coffee consumption, my lack of creativity in the kitchen of late (my child was just given a piece of toast for lunch), the state of of the fridge (scientifically promising for perhaps a CSIRO team looking to name new strains of bacteria, not promising for the purposes of sustaining human life). That’s before I get on to the actual problems of the world – the grim state of life for most of the world’s women, the rise of populism, lack of independent media, and the fact that the planet will be dead by the time that my daughter considers bearing children of her own.

Now, I’m going to park (for now) what I know is the obvious theme here – the low level shit listed about are primarily the concerns of women, and that men don’t worry about this stuff. I know – I KNOW -  that I could (and should) ignore that Little Voice that whispers about my lack of underarm muscle tone whilst I jiggle the bit under my arm in my the mirror and think sadly that swimsuit season is almost upon us.

And most of the time, I try to. But sometimes that Little Voice hooks into something touchy – from my past, for example -  and hey presto, I’m on a full on felling-shit spiral.

Today I was hanging photographs from a recent family portrait. Now, that sounds lovely doesn’t it? Yep, sure. But said hanging was the result of months of the Little Voice in my brain (why did you even get the portraits done if you weren’t going to use them? They’ve been patiently waiting to be hung for weeks! And your walls are so bare. It looks like no one even lives here. What about creating hygge, you idiot?  That’s it – it needs to be done now. Not tomorrow or in five minutes. NOW. Yes, now even though it’s 10 minutes until toddler lunch time and you are actually in the middle of five other tasks).

So of course, I hang the portraits and then realise that one isn’t quite where I want to be (because I was in a hurry, you see). And so I rip it down from the wall, and in doing so, rip a chunk of paint of the wall (we are in a rental. YES!). Not a large chunk of paint, you understand, but enough to leave a mark on the wall and a scream in my head.

Now, the thing this has touched on for me…. My mother used to criticise me (not unfairly) for lacking patience. She had/has this theory that once I had decided something needed to be done, I would do it immediately (or nag others until I was done immediately) and in doing so, often do a shitty job.

And that’s exactly what happened today. I’m impatient because I fight the nagging voice in my head, and then finally, angrily, give into it, only to do a slap dash job of said task, and then feel angry and frustrated for doing it wrong, hence fuelling the voice even further.

And so what did I do after ripping the paint off? Did I sit back, and have a little chuckle and a cup of tea, only to think ‘oh well, I guess that’ll just come out of the bond.’

Of course not. I berated myself, whilst trying to appease the Little Voice (which was becoming a rather large voice) by making a salad, putting on a load of washing, trying to type some work emails, and vacuuming the floor. All at once.

Because there’s nothing like running to avoid any feeling of disappointment or vulnerability, eh?

Fuck that little voice inside my head.

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